About Us

Welcome to Lynbrook Elementary School!

lynbrook strong

Our Mission 

At Lynbrook Elementary school we honor, inspire, empower, and thrive! 

FCPS School Profile

purple star
Read about our Purple Star School distinction.

Our Vision

We are a community committed to: 

  • Developing and continually strengthening strong relationships between all members of our Lynbrook community
  • Holding high expectations for all students and staff. 
  • Embracing culturally responsive instruction and practices. 
  • Cultivating a love of lifelong learning for all students, staff and families.

The Lenny Way: School Rules & Expectations

Lynbrook Staff

Administrative Team

School Age Child Care (SACC)

School Age Child Care (SACC) is a Fairfax County Office for Children program located in FCPS elementary schools for Kindergarten through 6th grade children whose parents are working, attending school, or disabled. The SACC program is designed to develop independent thinking, creative expression, and cooperative relationships among children.

FCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities

Lynbrook ES is part of Region 6

Fairfax County Public Schools